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Image by Jess Bailey

Frequently Asked Questions

Trial Class, Payment, Referrals, and Scheduling
Each new student will receive one paid trial class, during which the student will be assessed for their English proficiency, the curriculum will be discussed and any questions can be answered.


Whether it’s a single class or a class package/subscription, payment must be received before scheduling a class (except for the free 15-minute strategy session discussion). You will receive an invoice. Payment can occur through PayPal, AliPay, or WeChat Pay.

*Note 1: PayPal/AliPay/WeChat Pay payments for monthly subscriptions will be invoiced and automatically charged by the last week of every month to allow for continuity. Notify the teacher 14 days in advance of the new month if you are not continuing classes.


*Note 2: If you are taking classes using published courseware, you are responsible for the purchase of hard-copy textbooks and workbooks, in addition to the class fees listed on the invoice.


Payment must be processed before a class can be booked. Your class time will only be held for you if you have already paid for the class. Teacher Kara will explain how to book your classes on a recurring schedule. 

For each new student that you refer who purchases a minimum 10-class package or subscription, you will receive one free 25- minute class after that student completes their first lesson package/subscription.

One-on-one classes are 25 minutes long. You can book (2) -back-to-back 25-minute classes to create a 55-minute class with a 5-minute break.

Classes should be scheduled at least one week (7 days) in advance. However, regular classes can be scheduled many weeks in advance for the same day and time each week. This will ensure that your ideal class day and time is available to you each week, pending teacher availability.

Subscriptions are designed for 1, 2, or 3 classes to be taken weekly.


In special cases only, such as vacations, where you cannot attend in person, Teacher Kara will provide a videotaped lesson for your review. These videotaped lessons are strategy lessons. You will learn such things as planning for a long-term project, assessment study strategies etc. They will NOT be your normal curriculum lessons due to copyright laws.


You are able to add to your subscription with individual classes or class packages and use them in conjunction with the subscription.

Cancellations, Refunds, Short Notice Classes, and IT Problems

Cancelations should be made before the 24 hour mark of the start of class time [For example if a class is at 19:00 hours BJT on Tuesday, cancellations must occur by 18:59 BJT on Monday]. Rescheduling canceled classes is strongly encouraged!


For 1 class a week, you can cancel 1 class for every three months that can be rescheduled, pending teacher availability [September-November][December-February][March-May][June-August]. Cancelations in excess of this are not allowed.


For 2 classes a week, you can cancel 2 classes for every three months that can be rescheduled, pending teacher availability [September-November][December-February][March-May][June-August]. Cancelations in excess of this are not allowed.


For 3 classes a week, you can cancel 3 classes for every three months that can be rescheduled, pending teacher availability [September-November][December-February][March-May][June-August]. Cancelations in excess of this are not allowed.

Short notice (under 24 hours notice) cancelations will not be refunded. Special consideration can be given for emergency or other unavoidable situations and are given according to the teacher’s discretion. Please inquire through WeChat or email for how to submit proof.


Refunds will be issued for unused, unscheduled paid classes only. Refunds will not be issued for free trial classes or for free classes credited to your account from referrals. Refunds will not be issued for classes that are canceled on short notice (less than 24 hours of class time) or for classes that the student schedules but do not attend; these classes will be marked as “Student No Show.”

Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time, but any classes already purchased will be subject to the refund policy stated above.

If you want to schedule class on short notice (less than 24 hours' notice), please contact Teacher Kara for details to complete the process. Your class time will only be held for you if you have already paid for the class. Payment must be processed before a class can be booked.

If IT [technical] problems occur, we will attempt to resolve them quickly [under 3 minutes]. If it cannot be resolved, the class will be rescheduled for a different day/time at no cost, pending teacher availability.

The teacher will remain in the class for the full class time. If the student is late, only the remaining time will be used to teach.

Teacher lateness is extremely rare and teacher no-shows almost never occur. If the teacher is late by three minutes or less, the class will be extended to accommodate that time whenever possible. If the teacher is late after three minutes or misses the class, the class will be rescheduled at no cost to you. After 3 incidences, the teacher will credit you with an additional free class.

Platform, Curriculum, Feedback, and Questions
Classes will be held through Zoom. The curriculum chosen during the trial class discussion will be used. Questions, concerns, or changes to this curriculum can be made through WeChat or email. The curriculum can be flexibly changed at any time by parent request or teacher suggestion.

Students can enter the online classroom no more than 10 minutes in advance and can stay no later than when the classroom is closed by the teacher at the end of the scheduled class time.

If desired, feedback will be given within 24 hours of the class start time, and will include what was covered during the class and things for the student to practice.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please contact me using WeChat [wxid_77aclxcbeapj22] or email [].


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